
Pimcore certification for wob. The wob development maximizes its website expertise for you.

For the implementation of typical website projects, we as a website agency and Germany's B2B experts are supported by the digital open source platform Pimcore - a strong partnership since 2016.

And this cooperation works, and at the highest level!

Our colleagues from Development have completed the Pimcore Academy and can support you with know-how in the implementation of your own website - better than ever before!

  • Corporate Website Relaunch
  • Even with complex tasks such as PIM and DAM
  • With common content management systems such as Pimcore, Typo 3 or Adobe Experience Manager
  • Including connection or planning of interfaces to your personnel and applicant management, e-mail marketing tool or other systems
  • Online marketing landing pages
  • E-commerce stores and much more!


Would you like to learn how our Pimconauts can support you?

Simply write us at info@wob.ag.